
The Org\Heigl\Hyphenator-Package can be configured using the inside the defined HYPHENATOR_HOME-Directory.

The HYPHENATOR_HOME-Directory will be retrieved on Instantiation of the Hyphenator by checking the following possibilities.

  1. Check for a folder defined via Org\Heigl\Hyphenator::setDefaultHomePath.
  2. Check for a PHP-constant HYPHENATOR_HOME.
  3. Check for an environment-variable HYPHENATOR_HOME.
  4. Use the in the package included share-folder

You can also configure the Hyphenator via an Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Options\Options-Instance that can either be retrieved from or replace an existing Options-Instance in an existing Hyphenator-Object;

$hyphenator = Hyphenator::factory();
// Retrieve an existing Options-Instance
$options = $hyphenator->getOptions();
// Set an Options
// You can also cascade that.
// Or you can create a new Options-Object
$options = new \Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Options\Options();
// CAVEAT: This will also set all other Options to the default values!

The following configuration-Options can be used.

The configuration file is named and is located in the top-level of the HYPHENATOR_HOME-Directory.

This character shall be used as Hyphen-Character. This defaults to the soft-hyphen-character U+00AD (SOFT-HYPHEN) This can also be set using Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setHyphen()
How many characters have to be left unhyphenated to the left of the word. This has to be an integer value and defaults to 2 This can also be set using Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setLeftMin()
How many characters have to be left unhyphenated to the right of the word. This has to be an integer value and defaults to 2 This can also be set using Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setRightMin()
Words under the given length will not be hyphenated altogether. It makes sense to set option to a higher value than the sum of rightMin and leftMin. This defaults to 6 This can also be set using Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setWordMin()
How good shal the hyphenation be. The higher the number the better. THis can be any integer from 0 (no Hyphenation at all) through 9 (berst hyphernation). This defaults to 9. .. warning:: Change this only if you know what you do! This can also be set using Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setQuality()
This parameter defines what dictionary to use by default for hyphenation. This can also be set using Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setdefaultLocale() This value will be overwritten by the second parameter of Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Hyphenator::factory().
A comma-separated list of tokenizers to use for splitting the text to be hyphenated into hypheable chunks. The tokenizers have to implement the Org\Heigl\Tokenizer\Tokenizer-interface. The tokenizers can be given by using the Part of the Classname before the “Tokenizer”. So for the WhitespaceTokeinzer it would suffice to use “Whitespace” as name of the tokenizer. Tokenizers can also be set using Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Hyphenator::addTokenizer()
A comma-separated list of filters to use for postprocessing the hyphenated text The filters have to extend the Org\Heigl\Filter\Filter-class. The filters can be given by using the Part of the Classname before the “Filter”. So for the SimpleFilter it would suffice to use “Simple” as name of the filter. Filters can also be set using Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Hyphenator::addFilter()