Configuration-Options ##################### The ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator``-Package can be configured using the :file:``-File inside the defined ``HYPHENATOR_HOME``-Directory. The ``HYPHENATOR_HOME``-Directory will be retrieved on Instantiation of the ``Hyphenator`` by checking the following possibilities. #. Check for a folder defined via ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator::setDefaultHomePath``. #. Check for a PHP-constant ``HYPHENATOR_HOME``. #. Check for an environment-variable ``HYPHENATOR_HOME``. #. Use the in the package included :file:`share`-folder You can also configure the ``Hyphenator`` via an ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Options\Options``-Instance that can either be retrieved from or replace an existing Options-Instance in an existing Hyphenator-Object; :: $hyphenator = Hyphenator::factory(); // Retrieve an existing Options-Instance $options = $hyphenator->getOptions(); // Set an Options $options->setLeftMin(3); // You can also cascade that. $hyphenator->getOptions()->setLeftMin(3); // Or you can create a new Options-Object $options = new \Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Options\Options(); $options->setLeftMin(3); $hyphenator->setOptions($options); // CAVEAT: This will also set all other Options to the default values! The following configuration-Options can be used. The configuration file is named :file:`` and is located in the top-level of the ``HYPHENATOR_HOME``-Directory. ``hyphen`` This character shall be used as Hyphen-Character. This defaults to the soft-hyphen-character U+00AD (``SOFT-HYPHEN``) This can also be set using ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setHyphen()`` ``leftMin`` How many characters have to be left unhyphenated to the left of the word. This has to be an integer value and defaults to 2 This can also be set using ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setLeftMin()`` ``rightMin`` How many characters have to be left unhyphenated to the right of the word. This has to be an integer value and defaults to 2 This can also be set using ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setRightMin()`` ``wordMin`` Words under the given length will not be hyphenated altogether. It makes sense to set option to a higher value than the sum of rightMin and leftMin. This defaults to 6 This can also be set using ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setWordMin()`` ``quality`` How good shal the hyphenation be. The higher the number the better. THis can be any integer from 0 (no Hyphenation at all) through 9 (berst hyphernation). This defaults to 9. .. warning:: Change this only if you know what you do! This can also be set using ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setQuality()`` ``defaultLocale`` This parameter defines what dictionary to use by default for hyphenation. This can also be set using ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Option::setdefaultLocale()`` This value will be overwritten by the second parameter of ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Hyphenator::factory()``. ``tokenizers`` A comma-separated list of tokenizers to use for splitting the text to be hyphenated into hypheable chunks. The tokenizers have to implement the ``Org\Heigl\Tokenizer\Tokenizer``-interface. The tokenizers can be given by using the Part of the Classname before the "Tokenizer". So for the ``WhitespaceTokeinzer`` it would suffice to use "Whitespace" as name of the tokenizer. Tokenizers can also be set using ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Hyphenator::addTokenizer()`` ``filters`` A comma-separated list of filters to use for postprocessing the hyphenated text The filters have to extend the ``Org\Heigl\Filter\Filter``-class. The filters can be given by using the Part of the Classname before the "Filter". So for the ``SimpleFilter`` it would suffice to use "Simple" as name of the filter. Filters can also be set using ``Org\Heigl\Hyphenator\Hyphenator::addFilter()``